Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bus Occupants are Electrocuted by Falling Power Line.

Last Saturday, A bus in the City of Port Harcourt became a deathtrap, as a power line fell on to the roof and killed at least 10 people inside the vehicle, according to the BBC Article from February 13th, 2010 named "Ten People Killed as Power Cable Falls on Nigeria Bus". The information is incomplete and unconfirmed by local police, but there is information that says 12 other people were injured in the process of attempting to help those killed in the initial accident. Though the information is incomplete and unconfirmed, it does tells us that there is a serious problem in certain areas of Nigerian Infrastructure and and safety laws.

This speaks directly to the problems in the Citizen, Society, and the State, as well as the legitimacy of the civil government. If government can't even properly secure it's power lines to stay up in clear weather, then how can citizens expect their government to keep them safe from other forms of accidents? Also, the fact that the police cannot confirm how many were killed in an accident, also seems worrisome to a citizen.

Photo thanks to Flikr
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